SS Peter & Paul's, Northfields

Trinity Windows

The First Person of the Trinity

Trinity Windows, The Lamb of God

Trinity Windows, The Lamb of God

Trinity Windows, Holy Spirit, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

Trinity Windows, the Holy Spirit, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

Trinity Windows, Holy Spirit, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

Trinity Windows, The lamb of God, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

Trinity Windows, Burning Bush, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

Word Windows, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

The Road to Damascus

Word of God Window, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

St Paul's Letter to the Corinthians

Evangelist window, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

St Paul's Miracle at Malta

St Paul's Shipwreck at Malta

Eucharist windows, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

St Peter's Bark

Bread window, Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

St Peter's Keys

Wine window,Ss Peter and Paul, Northfields, London

St Peter's Fish

St Peter's Cockerel

Our Lady, Crowned with Glory